Short cuts


I recently read a film script written by a man who had never written one before.  He called himself a farmer, but had done a wide range of things he had no qualifications for because he liked to buy books with information and read them. His script was not a good one, but he had a great story. I gave him some advice, the best of which was probably to read Robert McKee’s Story, which is about as good a course in scriptwriting you are ever going to get.

The reason I am writing all this down is because I just turned the TV off on chick flick Thursday, and really, John Robbie, if you are looking for a “one of the worst films ever made” candidate, you have to look no further than Laws of Attraction.  By comparison, Dirty Dancing is Doctor Zhivago. Or Citizen Kane, The Godfather… take your pick. Serious.  I sat on the couch and wished I could tell the farmer that he should just stick with his script, because even in first draft, it was probably better than the sorry excuse for cinema fiction that Pierce Brosnan and Julianne Moore stooped to.

What a waste. And you know, Pierce can’t sing either. He wasn’t a bad Bond, but now that we have Daniel…

4 thoughts on “Short cuts

  1. hardspear 18 September 2009 / 02:56

    I’ll take your advice on this one and steer away… Also Valdez Horses as you have mentioned below. Worst movie I’ve ever seen – Labyrinth with David Bowie… what ineffable twaddle! And talk about mullet hair styles… did he ever sport one!

  2. filblanc 20 September 2009 / 17:58

    On the more positive side I have been going to the triContinental film festival in Rosebank. Some awsome stuff shown there (cannot believe though, that the cinema was almost empty). Eiiisshhh the world is large, and suddenly this city seems so… parochial (?). Congratulations to the organizers for showing something different than the usual mainstream stuff.
    Talking about Dr Zhivago I met with Omar Sharrif in August in France on a horse racing track. He must be in his 80’s , but he still has his looks!

  3. Betty Noire 21 September 2009 / 08:47

    I am very jealous! You do such glamorous things, Fil. Should we do chinese this week? Or have I missed my window?

  4. filblanc 21 September 2009 / 15:23

    Pretty busy this week (have foreign delegation arriving and so forth) but with pleasure anytime next week at your favourite chinese if you are available. Kindly confirm suitable day and time. X
    PS Omar is a compulsive gambler, not surprising to meet him on a horse race track…

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